Combine networks via union, intersection, or difference operations. Lots of optional parameters choose from!

  sources = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  operation = "union",
  nodeKeys = NULL,
  nodeMergeMap = NULL,
  nodesOnly = FALSE,
  edgeKeys = NULL,
  edgeMergeMap = NULL,
  networkMergeMap = NULL,
  inNetworkMerge = TRUE,
  base.url = .defaultBaseUrl



List of network names to be merged.


(optional) Title of the resulting merged network. Default is a concatentation of operation and source network titles.


(optional) Type of merge: union (default), intersection or difference.


(optional) An order-dependent list of columns to match nodes across source networks. Default is "name" column for all sources.


(optional) A list of column merge records specifying how to merge node table data. Each record should be of the form: c("network1 column", "network2 column", "merged column", "type"), where column names are provided and type is String, Integer, Double or List.


(optional) If TRUE, this will merge the node tables and ignore edge and network table data. Default is FALSE.


(optional) An order-dependent list of columns to match edges across source networks. Default is "name" column for all sources.


(optional) A list of column merge records specifying how to merge edge table data. Each record should be of the form: c("network1 column", "network2 column", "merged column", "type"), where column names are provided and type is String, Integer, Double or List.


(optional) A list of column merge records specifying how to merge network table data. Each record should be of the form: c("network1 column", "network2 column", "merged column", "type"), where column names are provided and type is String, Integer, Double or List.


(optional) If TRUE (default), nodes and edges with matching attributes in the same network will be merged.


(optional) Ignore unless you need to specify a custom domain, port or version to connect to the CyREST API. Default is http://localhost:1234 and the latest version of the CyREST API supported by this version of RCy3.


SUID of resulting merged network


# \donttest{
mergeNetworks(c("Network 1", "Network 2"), "Merged Network")
mergeNetworks(c("my network","string network"), "Merged Network", 
              nodeKeys=c("HGNC","query term"))
# }