
CyREST Best Practices Sample App

This is a simple App intended to demonstrate best practices in registering Function endpoints with CyREST using JAX-RS and then documenting them using Swagger.


We recommended that you be familiar with concepts in Cytoscape 3.0 App Development as well the CyREST Basic Sample App.


This sample app uses Java comments to describe particular details in-code. General project setup is the same as for the CyREST Basic Sample App. An overview of key points is provided below.

Choosing paths for your resources is not a trivial task. Bad naming practices can cause problems when locating resources via REST. Below is a description of this app’s resources and their REST paths. More detail on paths and other practices can be found in the Cytoscape Function Best Practices Wiki Page.

The main resource in this app, defined in the ClassroomResource interface, is located on the path /cyrestbestpractices/v1/classroom/. The way it is set is demonstrated in the code snippet below:

@Api(tags="Apps: Best Practices")
public interface ClassroomResource {

This resource will be registered as a root resource in CyREST and will be available at http://localhost:1234/cyrestbestpractices/v1/classroom/. All of its subresources will be visible as children of this path (for example, teacher will be registered with the path http://localhost:1234/cyrestbestpractices/v1/classroom/teacher).

Note that the root of every resource is cyrestbestpractices/v1/. This path is both unique, keeping it from colliding with the paths of other apps, and versioned, which allows the developer to maintain backward compatibility while developing new APIs.

Swagger Documentation

Although Swagger can do a great deal by simply introspecting your Java code, this sample app uses Swagger annotations extensively to provide comprehensive documentation.

For example, the following code snippet from ClassroomResource demonstrates the usage of the @ApiOperation and @ApiParam annotations.

@ApiOperation(value = "Replace the teacher",
	notes = "Replaces the classes teacher.\n\nYou can use this to 'edit' the teacher's information by replacing their "
			+ " entire record with a newer one.\n\nBest not to do this before a holiday.", 
public Person putTeacher(
   @ApiParam(value = "The new teacher data", required = true) //The ApiParam annotation lets us add a brief 
    		 //explanation of what the parameter does. We can also specify a few useful features, like whether or not 
    		 //the parameter is required for method execution.
   Person teacher //This java parameter represents the message body of a request. JAX-RX expects one parameter 
    		 //like this in every PUT/POST method. 

This app provides many examples of best practices for documenting an app using Swagger, with in-code comments describing them. More information about these can be found in the Swagger Best Practices Wiki Page.

Next Steps

JAX-RS and Swagger annotations provide functionality well beyond their use in this app. Additional documentation on these can be found below:

Building RESTful Web Services with JAX-RS

Swagger Annotations

Cytoscape Automation: Swagger Best Practices