Advanced Topic: Automation

Marshall University
1 March 2019

Goals and Motivations

By the end of this workshop you should be able to:
  • Command programmatic control over Cytoscape
  • Integrate Cytoscape into your bioinformatics pipelines
  • Publish, share and export networks online
Introductions Cytoscape Automation Guided Walkthrough Automation Use Cases Wrap-up and "Exam"


John "Scooter" Morris, UCSF
  • Adjunct Assistant Prof, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Executive Director RBVI
  • Cytoscape team since 2006
  • Author of over a dozen Cytoscape apps


Alex Pico, Gladstone Institutes
  • Associate director, Bioinformatics Core
  • Executive director, National Resource for Network Biology
  • Cytoscape team since 2006
  • Author of half a dozen Cytoscape apps


What about you?

  • Clinicians
  • Bench Biologists
  • Bioinformaticians
  • Computer Scientists
  • Chemists
  • Mathematicians
  • Other
Introductions Cytoscape Automation Guided Walkthrough Automation Use Cases Wrap-up and "Exam"
Introductions Cytoscape Automation Guided Walkthrough Automation Use Cases Wrap-up and "Exam"

Guided Walkthrough

Cytoscape Rmd Notebooks

  • Overview of RCy3
  • Cancer networks and data
Introductions Cytoscape Automation Guided Walkthrough Automation Use Cases Wrap-up and "Exam"

Example Use Cases

  1. Omics data - I have a ----------- fill in the blank (microarray, RNASeq, Proteomics, ATACseq, MicroRNA, GWAS …) dataset. I have normalized and scored my data. How do I overlay my data on existing interaction data?
  2. Coexpression data -I have a dataset that represents relationships. How do I represent it as a network.
  3. Omics data - I have a -----------fill in the blank (microarray, RNASeq, Proteomics, ATACseq, MicroRNA, GWAS …) dataset. I have normalized and scored my data. I have run my data through a functional enrichment tool and now have a set of enriched terms associated with my dataset. How do I represent my functional enrichments as a network?
Introductions Cytoscape Automation Guided Walkthrough Automation Use Cases Wrap-up and "Exam"


Questions and Discussion


To make sure you now have a working knowledge of Cytoscape automation, choose one of the following datasets to analyze in R and Cytoscape:

  • Colins (2007): A merged dataset of three yeast APMS experiments. Find the putative complexes.
  • GPL54: A yeast heat shock microarray experiment from GEO. Create a network of the most significant genes based on the magnitude of the fold change and color the nodes by expression.

Thank You!

Here are additional resources you may find useful:

Thank You!