Cytoscape Automation in R using Rcy3

    Ruth Isserlin
    July 26, 2018
    BioC 2018 - Toronto, Ontario


Instructor(s) name(s) and contact information
  • Ruth Isserlin - ruth dot isserlin (at) utoronto (dot) ca
  • Brendan Innes - brendan (dot) innes (at) mail (dot) utoronto (dot) ca
  • Jeff Wong - jvwong (at) gmail (dot) com
  • Gary Bader - gary (dot) bader (at) utoronto (dot) ca

Download and Install:

in RStudio install the following packages
in Cytoscape install
EnrichmentMap pipeline Collection
Functional Enrichment Collection


Workshop prerequisites
Basic knowledge of R syntax
Basic knowledge of Cytoscape software
Familiarity with network biology concepts
R / Bioconductor packages


Activity Time
Introduction 15m
Driving Cytoscape from R 15m
Creating, retrieving and manipulating networks 15m
Summary 10m

Workshop goals and objectives

  • Learning goals
    • Know when and how to use Cytoscape in your research area
    • Generalize network analysis methods to multiple problem domains
    • Integrate Cytoscape into your bioinformatics pipelines

  • Learning objectives
    • Programmatic control over Cytoscape from R
    • Publish, share and export networks



  • Cytoscape(Shannon et al.) is a freely available open-source, cross platform network analysis software.
  • Cytoscape(Shannon et al.) can visualize complex networks and help integrate them with any other data type.
  • Cytoscape(Shannon et al.) has an active developer and user base with more than 300 community created apps available from the (Cytoscape App Store)[].
  • Check out some of the tasks you can do with Cytoscape in our online tutorial guide -

Cytoscape Apps

Overview of network biology themes and concepts

Why Networks?

  • Networks are everywhere…
    • Molecular Networks
    • Cell-Cell communication Networks
    • Computer networks
    • Social Networks
    • Internet
  • Networks are powerful tools…
    • Reduce complexity
    • More efficient than tables
    • Great for data integration
    • Intuitive visualization

Often data in our pipelines are represented as data.frames, tables, matrices, vectors or lists. Sometimes we represent this data as heatmaps, or plots in efforts to summarize the results visually. Network visualization offers an additional method that readily incorporates many different data types and variables into a single picture.

Network types

In order to translate your data into a network it is important to define the entities and their relationships. Entities and relationships can be anything. They can be user defined or they can be queried from a database.

  • Examples of Networks and their associated entities:
    • Protein - Protein interaction network
    • Gene - gene interaction network -
    • Coexpression network
    • Enrichment Map
    • Social network
    • Copublication network

Networks as Tools

Networks can be used for two main purposes but often go hand in hand.

  • Analysis
    • Topological properties
    • Hubs and subnetworks
    • Cluster, classify, and diffuse
    • Data integration
  • Visualization
    • Data overlays
    • Layouts and animation
    • Exploratory analysis
    • Context and interpretation

Translating biological data into Cytoscape using RCy3

Networks offer us a useful way to represent our biological data. But how do we seamlessly translate our data from R into Cytoscape?

Set up

In order to create networks in Cytoscape from R you need:

  • RCy3 - a biocondutor package
if(!"RCy3" %in% installed.packages()){

Set up - (part 2)

  • Cytoscape - Download and install Cytoscape 3.6.1. or higher. Java 9 in not supported. Please make sure that Java 8 is installed.

Set up - (part 4)

If you are using Cytoscape 3.7 or higher (Cytoscape 3.7 will be released in August 2018) then apps can be installed directly from R.

#list of cytoscape apps to install
installation_responses <- c()

#list of app to install
cyto_app_toinstall <- c("clustermaker2", "enrichmentmap", "autoannotate", "wordcloud", "stringapp", "aMatReader")

cytoscape_version <- unlist(strsplit( cytoscapeVersionInfo()['cytoscapeVersion'],split = "\\."))
if(length(cytoscape_version) == 3 && as.numeric(cytoscape_version[1]>=3) 
   && as.numeric(cytoscape_version[2]>=7)){
  for(i in 1:length(cyto_app_toinstall)){
    #check to see if the app is installed.  Only install it if it hasn't been installed
    if(!grep(commandsGET(paste("apps status app=\"", cyto_app_toinstall[i],"\"", sep="")), 
             pattern = "status: Installed")){
      installation_response <-commandsGET(paste("apps install app=\"", 
                                                cyto_app_toinstall[i],"\"", sep=""))
      installation_responses <- c(installation_responses,installation_response)
    } else{
      installation_responses <- c(installation_responses,"already installed")
  installation_summary <- data.frame(name = cyto_app_toinstall, 
                                     status = installation_responses)

  booktabs = TRUE, caption = 'A Summary of automated app installation'

Communicating with Cytoscape

Make sure that Cytoscape is open

 cytoscapePing ()

Getting started

Confirm that Cytoscape is installed and opened

 cytoscapeVersionInfo ()

Browse available functions, commands and arguments

Depending on what apps you have installed there is different functionality available.

To see all the functions available in RCy3 package

cyrestAPI()  # CyREST API
commandsAPI()  # Commands API

Help on specific cytoscape command

To get information about an individual command from the R environment you can also use the commandsHelp function. Simply specify what command you would like to get information on by adding its name to the command. For example “commandsHelp("help string”)“


Cytoscape Basics

Create a Cytoscape network from some basic R objects

nodes <- data.frame(id=c("node 0","node 1","node 2","node 3"),
                                   group=c("A","A","B","B"), # categorical strings
                                   score=as.integer(c(20,10,15,5)), # integers
                        edges <- data.frame(source=c("node 0","node 0","node 0","node 2"),
                                   target=c("node 1","node 2","node 3","node 3"),
                                   interaction=c("inhibits","interacts","activates","interacts"),  # optional
                                   weight=c(5.1,3.0,5.2,9.9), # numeric

Data frame used to create Network

  • Nodes table:
  • id group score
    node 0 A 20
    node 1 A 10
    node 2 B 15
    node 3 B 5

  • Edges table:
  • source target interaction weight
    node 0 node 1 inhibits 5.1
    node 0 node 2 interacts 3.0
    node 0 node 3 activates 5.2
    node 2 node 3 interacts 9.9

Create Network

createNetworkFromDataFrames(nodes,edges, title="my first network", collection="DataFrame Example")

Export an image of the network

Remember. All networks we make are created in Cytoscape so get an image of the resulting network and include it in your current analysis if desired.

initial_network_png_file_name <- file.path(getwd(),"230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", "images","initial_example_network.png")
                          #cytoscape hangs waiting for user response if file already exists.  Remove it first

                        #export the network
                        exportImage(initial_network_png_file_name, type = "png")

Initial simple network

Example Data Set

We downloaded gene expression data from the Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma project of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)(International Genome et al.), via the Genomic Data Commons (GDC) portal(Grossman et al.) on 2017-06-14 using TCGABiolinks R package(Colaprico et al.).

  • 300 samples available as RNA-seq data
  • 79 classified as Immunoreactive, 72 classified as Mesenchymal, 69 classified as Differentiated, and 80 classified as Proliferative samples
  • RNA-seq read counts were converted to CPM values and genes with CPM > 1 in at least 50 of the samples are retained for further study
  • The data was normalized and differential expression was calculated for each cancer class relative to the rest of the samples.

There are two data files:

  1. Expression matrix - containing the normalized expression for each gene across all 300 samples.
  2. Gene ranks - containing the p-values, FDR and foldchange values for the 4 comparisons (mesenchymal vs rest, differential vs rest, proliferative vs rest and immunoreactive vs rest)
RNASeq_expression_matrix <- read.table( 
                          header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote="\"", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

RNASeq_gene_scores <- read.table( 
                          header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote="\"", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Finding Network Data

  • How do I represent my data as a network?
  • Unfortunately, there is not a simple answer.

It depends on your biological question!

  • Example use cases:
    1. Omics data - I have a ----------- fill in the blank (microarray, RNASeq, Proteomics, ATACseq, MicroRNA, GWAS …) dataset. I have normalized and scored my data. How do I overlay my data on existing interaction data?
    2. Coexpression data -I have a dataset that represents relationships. How do I represent it as a network.
    3. Omics data - I have a -----------fill in the blank (microarray, RNASeq, Proteomics, ATACseq, MicroRNA, GWAS …) dataset. I have normalized and scored my data. I have run my data through a functional enrichment tool and now have a set of enriched terms associated with my dataset. How do I represent my functional enrichments as a network?

Use Case 1 - How are my top genes related?

Omics data - I have a -----------fill in the blank (microarray, RNASeq, Proteomics, ATACseq, MicroRNA, GWAS …) dataset. I have normalized and scored my data. How do I overlay my data on existing interaction data?

There are endless amounts of databases storing interaction data.

Cytoscape Apps with network data

Thankfully we don't have to query each independent ally. In addition to many specialized (for example, for specific molecules, interaction type, or species) interaction databases there are also databases that collate these databases to create a broad resource that is easier to use. For example:

  • StringApp - is a protein - protein and protein- chemical database that imports data from String(Szklarczyk et al.), [STITCH] into a unified, queriable database.
  • PSICQUIC(Aranda et al.) - a REST-ful service that is the responsibility of the database provider to set up and maintain. PSICQUIC is an additional interface that allows users to search all available databases (that support this REST-ful service). The databases are required to represent their interaction data in Proteomic Standards Initiative - molecular interaction (PSI-MI) format. To see a list of all the available data source see here
  • nDex(Pratt et al.) - a network data exchange repository.
  • GeneMANIA(Mostafavi et al.) - contains multiple networks (shared domains, physical interactions, pathways, predicted, co-expression, genetic interactions and co-localized network). Given a set of genes GeneMANIA selects and weights networks that optimize the connectivity between the query genes. GeneMANIA will also return additional genes that are highly related to your query set.
  • PathwayCommons - (access the data through the CyPath2App) is a pathway and interaction data source. Data is collated from a large set of resources (list here ) and stored in the BioPAX(Demir et al.) format. BioPAX is a data standard that allows for detailed representation of pathway mechanistic details as opposed to collapsing it to the set of interactions between molecules. BioPAX pathways from Pathway commons can also be loaded directly into R using the PaxToolsR(Luna et al.) Bioconductor package.

Get a subset of genes of interest from our scored data:

top_mesenchymal_genes <- RNASeq_gene_scores[which(RNASeq_gene_scores$FDR.mesen < 0.05 & RNASeq_gene_scores$logFC.mesen > 2),]
      Name geneid logFC.mesen logCPM.mesen  LR.mesen PValue.mesen
188   PRG4  10216    2.705305    2.6139056  95.58179     1.42e-22
252  PROK1  84432    2.543381    1.3255202  68.31067     1.40e-16
308  PRRX1   5396    2.077538    4.8570983 123.09925     1.33e-28
434  PTGFR   5737    2.075707   -0.1960881  73.24646     1.14e-17
438  PTGIS   5740    2.094198    5.8279714 165.11038     8.65e-38
1214 BARX1  56033    3.267472    1.7427387 166.30064     4.76e-38
     FDR.mesen logFC.diff logCPM.diff   LR.diff  PValue.diff     FDR.diff
188   7.34e-21 -1.2716521   2.6139056 14.107056 1.726950e-04 1.181751e-03
252   4.77e-15  0.7455119   1.3255202  5.105528 2.384972e-02 6.549953e-02
308   1.08e-26 -1.2367108   4.8570983 29.949104 4.440000e-08 1.250000e-06
434   4.30e-16 -0.4233297  -0.1960881  2.318523 1.278413e-01 2.368387e-01
438   1.20e-35 -0.4448761   5.8279714  5.696086 1.700278e-02 5.027140e-02
1214  6.82e-36 -2.4411370   1.7427387 52.224346 4.950000e-13 6.970000e-11
     Row.names.y logFC.immuno logCPM.immuno LR.immuno PValue.immuno
188   PRG4|10216   -0.4980017     2.6139056  2.651951   0.103422901
252  PROK1|84432   -1.9692994     1.3255202 27.876348   0.000000129
308   PRRX1|5396   -0.4914091     4.8570983  5.773502   0.016269586
434   PTGFR|5737   -0.6737143    -0.1960881  6.289647   0.012144523
438   PTGIS|5740   -0.6138074     5.8279714 11.708780   0.000622059
1214 BARX1|56033   -0.6063633     1.7427387  4.577141   0.032401228
      FDR.immuno logFC.prolif logCPM.prolif  LR.prolif PValue.prolif
188  0.185548905   -0.9356510     2.6139056  8.9562066  0.0027652850
252  0.000001650   -1.3195933     1.3255202 13.7675841  0.0002068750
308  0.042062023   -0.3494185     4.8570983  2.9943819  0.0835537930
434  0.033197211   -0.9786631    -0.1960881 12.9112727  0.0003266090
438  0.002779895   -1.0355143     5.8279714 31.9162051  0.0000000161
1214 0.073565295   -0.2199714     1.7427387  0.6315171  0.4267993850
188  0.006372597
252  0.000622057
308  0.128528698
434  0.000932503
438  0.000000107
1214 0.510856262

We are going to query the String Database to get all interactions found for our set of top Mesenchymal genes.

commandsHelp("help string")

commandsHelp("help string protein query")

Query String

mesen_string_interaction_cmd <- paste('string protein query taxonID=9606 limit=150 cutoff=0.9 query="',paste(top_mesenchymal_genes$Name, collapse=","),'"',sep="")

Get a screenshot of the initial network

initial_string_network_png_file_name <- file.path(getwd(),"230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", "images", "initial_string_network.png")
  #cytoscape hangs waiting for user response if file already exists.  Remove it first
  response <- file.remove(initial_string_network_png_file_name)

response <- exportImage(initial_string_network_png_file_name, type = "png")

Initial String Network - top Mesenchymal genes interactions


Layout the network


Check what other layout algorithms are available to try out


Layouts - cont'd

Get the parameters for a specific layout


Layouts - cont'd

Re-layout the network using the force directed layout but specify some of the parameters

layoutNetwork('force-directed defaultSpringCoefficient=0.0000008 defaultSpringLength=70')

Get a screenshot of the re-laid out network

relayout_string_network_png_file_name <- file.path(getwd(),"230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", 
  #cytoscape hangs waiting for user response if file already exists.  Remove it first
  response<- file.remove(relayout_string_network_png_file_name)
response <- exportImage(relayout_string_network_png_file_name, type = "png")

String network with new layout

Overlay our expression data on the String network.

To do this we will be using the loadTableData function from RCy3. It is important to make sure that that your identifiers types match up. You can check what is used by String by pulling in the column names of the node attribute table.


Overlay our expression data on the String network - cont'd

If you are unsure of what each column is and want to further verify the column to use you can also pull in the entire node attribute table.

node_attribute_table_topmesen <- getTableColumns(table="node")

Overlay our expression data on the String network - cont'd

The column “display name” contains HGNC gene names which are also found in our Ovarian Cancer dataset.

To import our expression data we will match our dataset to the “display name” node attribute.


loadTableData(RNASeq_gene_scores,table.key.column = "display name",
data.key.column = "Name")  #default data.frame key is row.names

Visual Style

Modify the visual style Create your own visual style to visualize your expression data on the String network.

Start with a default style = "MesenchymalStyle"
defaults.list <- list(NODE_SHAPE="ellipse",
# p for passthrough; nothing else needed <- mapVisualProperty('node label','display name','p') 
createVisualStyle(, defaults.list, list(

Visual Style - cont'd

Update your created style with a mapping for the Mesenchymal logFC expression. The first step is to grab the column data from Cytoscape (we can reuse the node_attribute table concept from above but we have to call the function again as we have since added our expression data) and pull out the min and max to define our data mapping range of values.

Note: you could define the min and max based on the entire dataset or just the subset that is represented in Cytoscape currently. The two methods will give you different results. If you intend on comparing different networks created with the same dataset then it is best to calculate the min and max from the entire dataset as opposed to a subset.

min.mesen.logfc = min(RNASeq_gene_scores$logFC.mesen,na.rm=TRUE)
max.mesen.logfc = max(RNASeq_gene_scores$logFC.mesen,na.rm=TRUE)
data.values = c(min.mesen.logfc,0,max.mesen.logfc)

Visual Style - cont'd

Next, we use the RColorBrewer package to help us pick good colors to pair with our data values.

display.brewer.all(length(data.values), colorblindFriendly=TRUE, type="div") 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-28

logFC to node color

node.colors <- c(rev(brewer.pal(length(data.values), "RdBu")))

Map the colors to our data value and update our visual style.

setNodeColorMapping("logFC.mesen", data.values, node.colors,

Visual Style - cont'd

Remember, String includes your query proteins as well as other proteins that associate with your query proteins (including the strongest connection first). Not all of the proteins in this network are your top hits. How can we visualize which proteins are our top Mesenchymal hits?

Add a different border color or change the node shape for our top hits.


#select the Nodes of interest
#selectNode(nodes = top_mesenchymal_genes$Name, by.col="display name")
setNodeShapeBypass(node.names = top_mesenchymal_genes$Name, new.shapes = "TRIANGLE")

Visual Style - cont'd

Change the size of the node to be correlated with the Mesenchymal p-value.

setNodeSizeMapping(table.column = 'LR.mesen', 
                   table.column.values = c(min(RNASeq_gene_scores$LR.mesen), 
                   sizes = c(30, 60, 150),mapping.type = "c", =

Visual Style - cont'd

Get a screenshot of the resulting network

mesen_string_network_png_file_name <- file.path(getwd(),"230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", "images","mesen_string_network.png")
  #cytoscape hangs waiting for user response if file already exists.  Remove it first
  response<- file.remove(mesen_string_network_png_file_name)
response <- exportImage(mesen_string_network_png_file_name, type = "png")

Formatted String network

Use Case 2 - Which genes have similar expression.

Instead of querying existing resources look for correlations in your own dataset to find out which genes have similar expression. There are many tools that can analyze your data for correlation. A popular tool is Weighted Gene Correlation Network Analysis (WGCNA)(Langfelder et al.) which takes expression data and calculates functional modules. As a simple example we can transform our expression dataset into a correlation matrix.

Using the Cytoscape App, aMatReader(Settle et al.), we transform our adjacency matrix into an interaction network. First we filter the correlation matrix to contain only the strongest connections (for example, only correlations greater than 0.9).

RNASeq_expression <- RNASeq_expression_matrix[,3:ncol(RNASeq_expression_matrix)]

rownames(RNASeq_expression) <- RNASeq_expression_matrix$Name
RNAseq_correlation_matrix <- cor(t(RNASeq_expression), method="pearson")

#set the diagonal of matrix to zero - eliminate self-correlation
  row(RNAseq_correlation_matrix) == col(RNAseq_correlation_matrix) ] <- 0

# set all correlations that are less than 0.9 to zero
RNAseq_correlation_matrix[which(RNAseq_correlation_matrix<0.90)] <- 0

#get rid of rows and columns that have no correlations with the above thresholds
RNAseq_correlation_matrix <- RNAseq_correlation_matrix[which(rowSums(RNAseq_correlation_matrix) != 0),
                          which(colSums(RNAseq_correlation_matrix) !=0)]

#write out the correlation file
correlation_filename <- file.path(getwd(), "230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", "data", "TCGA_OV_RNAseq_expression_correlation_matrix.txt") 
write.table( RNAseq_correlation_matrix,  file = correlation_filename, col.names  = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote=FALSE)

Use the CyRest call to access the aMatReader functionality.

amat_url <- "aMatReader/v1/import"
amat_params = list(files = list(correlation_filename),
                   delimiter = "TAB",
                   undirected = FALSE,
                   ignoreZeros = TRUE,
                   interactionName = "correlated with",
                   rowNames = FALSE

response <- cyrestPOST(operation = amat_url, body = amat_params, 
base.url = "http://localhost:1234")

current_network_id <- response$data["suid"]

Modify resulting network


#relayout network
              network = as.numeric(current_network_id))


renameNetwork(title = "Coexpression_network_pear0_9",
              network = as.numeric(current_network_id))

Modify resulting network - cont'd

Modify the visualization to see where each genes is predominantly expressed. Look at the 4 different p-values associated with each gene and color the nodes with the type associated with the lowest FDR.

Load in the scoring data. Specify the cancer type where the genes has the lowest FDR value.

nodes_in_network <- rownames(RNAseq_correlation_matrix)

#add an additional column to the gene scores table to indicate in which samples
# the gene is significant
node_class <- vector(length = length(nodes_in_network),mode = "character")
for(i in 1:length(nodes_in_network)){
  current_row <- which(RNASeq_gene_scores$Name == nodes_in_network[i])
  min_pvalue <- min(RNASeq_gene_scores[current_row,
                                       grep(colnames(RNASeq_gene_scores), pattern = "FDR")])
  if(RNASeq_gene_scores$FDR.mesen[current_row] <=min_pvalue){
    node_class[i] <- paste(node_class[i],"mesen",sep = " ")
  if(RNASeq_gene_scores$FDR.diff[current_row] <=min_pvalue){
    node_class[i] <- paste(node_class[i],"diff",sep = " ")
  if(RNASeq_gene_scores$FDR.prolif[current_row] <=min_pvalue){
    node_class[i] <- paste(node_class[i],"prolif",sep = " ")
  if(RNASeq_gene_scores$FDR.immuno[current_row] <=min_pvalue){
    node_class[i] <- paste(node_class[i],"immuno",sep = " ")
node_class <- trimws(node_class)
node_class_df <-data.frame(name=nodes_in_network, node_class,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    name node_class
1  ABCA6      mesen
2  ABCA8      mesen
3   ABI3     immuno
4   ACAN     prolif
5  ACAP1     immuno
6 ADAM12      mesen

Modify resulting network - cont'd

Map the new node attribute and the all the gene scores to the network.

#default data.frame key is row.names
loadTableData(RNASeq_gene_scores,table.key.column = "name",data.key.column = "Name")  

#default data.frame key is row.names
loadTableData(node_class_df,table.key.column = "name",data.key.column = "name")  

Modify resulting network - cont'd

Create a color mapping for the different cancer types.

#create a new mapping with the different types
unique_types <- sort(unique(node_class))

coul = brewer.pal(4, "Set1") 

# I can add more tones to this palette :
coul = colorRampPalette(coul)(length(unique_types))

setNodeColorMapping(table.column = "node_class",table.column.values = unique_types,
                    colors = coul,mapping.type = "d")

Modify resulting network - cont'd

correlation_network_png_file_name <- file.path(getwd(),"230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", "images","correlation_network.png")
  #cytoscape hangs waiting for user response if file already exists.  Remove it first

#export the network
exportImage(correlation_network_png_file_name, type = "png")

Cluster the Network

#make sure it is set to the right network
  setCurrentNetwork(network = getNetworkName(suid=as.numeric(current_network_id)))

  #cluster the network
  clustermaker_url <- paste("cluster mcl network=SUID:",current_network_id, sep="")

  #get the clustering results
  default_node_table <- getTableColumns(table= "node",network = as.numeric(current_network_id))


Enrichment Analysis

Perform pathway Enrichment on one of the clusters using g:Profiler(Reimand et al.). g:Profiler is an online functional enrichment web service that will take your gene list and return the set of enriched pathways. For automated analysis g:Profiler has created an R library to interact with it directly from R instead of using the web page.

Create a function to call g:Profiler and convert the returned results into a generic enrichment map input file.

tryCatch(expr = { library("gProfileR")}, 
         error = function(e) { install.packages("gProfileR")}, finally = library("gProfileR"))

#function to run gprofiler using the gprofiler library
# The function takes the returned gprofiler results and formats it to the generic EM input file
# function returns a data frame in the generic EM file format.
runGprofiler <- function(genes,current_organism = "hsapiens", 
                         significant_only = F, set_size_max = 200, 
                         set_size_min = 3, filter_gs_size_min = 5 , exclude_iea = F){

  gprofiler_results <- gprofiler(genes ,
                                 significant=significant_only,ordered_query = F,
                                exclude_iea=exclude_iea,max_set_size = set_size_max,
                                 min_set_size = set_size_min,
                                 correction_method = "fdr",
                                 organism = current_organism,
                                src_filter = c("GO:BP","REAC"))

  #filter results
  gprofiler_results <- gprofiler_results[which(gprofiler_results[,'term.size'] >= 3
                                        & gprofiler_results[,'overlap.size'] >= filter_gs_size_min ),]

  # gProfileR returns corrected p-values only.  Set p-value to corrected p-value
  if(dim(gprofiler_results)[1] > 0){
    em_results <- cbind(gprofiler_results[,
                                c("","","p.value","p.value")], 1,
  colnames(em_results) <- c("Name","Description", "pvalue","qvalue","phenotype","genes")

  } else {
    return("no gprofiler results for supplied query")

Enrichment Analysis - cont'd

Run g:Profiler. g:Profiler will return a set of pathways and functions that are found to be enriched in our query set of genes.

  current_cluster <- "1"
  #select all the nodes in cluster 1
  selectednodes <- selectNodes(current_cluster, by.col="__mclCluster")

  #create a subnetwork with cluster 1
  subnetwork_suid <- createSubnetwork(nodes="selected")

  renameNetwork("Cluster1_Subnetwork", network=as.numeric(subnetwork_suid))

  subnetwork_node_table <- getTableColumns(table= "node",network = as.numeric(subnetwork_suid))

  em_results <- runGprofiler(subnetwork_node_table$name)

 #write out the g:Profiler results
 em_results_filename <-file.path(getwd(),
                            "230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", "data",paste("gprofiler_cluster",current_cluster,"enr_results.txt",sep="_"))



Enrichment Analysis - cont'd

Create an enrichment map with the returned g:Profiler results. An enrichment map is a different sort of network. Instead of nodes representing genes, nodes represent pathways or functions. Edges between these pathways or functions represent shared genes or pathway crosstalk. An enrichment map is a way to visualize your enrichment results to help reduce redundancy and uncover main themes. Pathways can also be explored in detail using the features available through the App in Cytoscape.

 em_command = paste('enrichmentmap build analysisType="generic" ', 
                   'pvalue=',"0.05", 'qvalue=',"0.05",
                   'enrichmentsDataset1=',em_results_filename ,
                   sep=" ")

  #enrichment map command will return the suid of newly created network.
  em_network_suid <- commandsRun(em_command)

  renameNetwork("Cluster1_enrichmentmap", network=as.numeric(em_network_suid))

Enrichment Analysis - cont'd

Export image of resulting Enrichment map.

cluster1em_png_file_name <- file.path(getwd(),"230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", "images","cluster1em.png")
  #cytoscape hangs waiting for user response if file already exists.  Remove it first

#export the network
exportImage(cluster1em_png_file_name, type = "png")

Enrichment Analysis - cont'd

Annotate the Enrichment map to get the general themes that are found in the enrichment results of cluster 1

#get the column from the nodetable and node table
  nodetable_colnames <- getTableColumnNames(table="node",  network =  as.numeric(em_network_suid))

  descr_attrib <- nodetable_colnames[grep(nodetable_colnames, pattern = "_GS_DESCR")]

  #Autoannotate the network
  autoannotate_url <- paste("autoannotate annotate-clusterBoosted labelColumn=", descr_attrib," maxWords=3 ", sep="")
    current_name <-commandsGET(autoannotate_url)

Enrichment Analysis - cont'd

Export image of resulting Annotated Enrichment map.

cluster1em_annot_png_file_name <- file.path(getwd(),"230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", "images","cluster1em_annot.png")
  #cytoscape hangs waiting for user response if file already exists.  Remove it first

#export the network
exportImage(cluster1em_annot_png_file_name, type = "png")

Enrichment Analysis - cont'd

Dense networks small or large never look like network figures we so often see in journals. A lot of manual tweaking, reorganization and optimization is involved in getting that perfect figure ready network. The above network is what the network starts as. The below figure is what it can look like after a few minutes of manual reorganiazation. (individual clusters were selected from the auto annotate panel and separated from other clusters)

Use Case 3 - Functional Enrichment of Omics set.

Reducing our large OMICs expression set to a simple list of genes eliminates the majority of the signals present in the data. Thresholding will only highlight the strong signals neglecting the often more interesting subtle signals. In order to capitalize on the wealth of data present in the data we need to perform pathway enrichment analysis on the entire expression set. There are many tools in R or as standalone apps that perform this type of analysis.

To demonstrate how you can use Cytoscape and RCy3 in your enrichment analysis pipeline we will use EnrichmentBrowser package (as demonstrated in detail in the workshop Functional enrichment analysis of high-throughput omics data) to perform pathway analysis.

if(!"EnrichmentBrowser" %in% installed.packages()){


Geneset Files

Download the latest pathway definition file from the Baderlab download site. Baderlab genesets are updated on a monthly basis. Detailed information about the sources can be found here.

Only Human, Mouse and Rat gene set files are currently available on the Baderlab downloads site. If you are working with a species other than human (and it is either rat or mouse) change the gmt_url below to correct species.

Geneset Files - cont'd

tryCatch(expr = { suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("RCurl"))}, 
         error = function(e) {  install.packages("RCurl")}, 
         finally = library("RCurl"))

gmt_url = ""

#list all the files on the server
filenames = getURL(gmt_url)
tc = textConnection(filenames)
contents = suppressWarnings(readLines(tc))

#get the gmt that has all the pathways and does not include terms inferred from electronic annotations(IEA)
#start with gmt file that has pathways only
rx = gregexpr("(?<=<a href=\")(.*.GOBP_AllPathways_no_GO_iea.*.)(.gmt)(?=\">)",
  contents, perl = TRUE)
gmt_file = unlist(regmatches(contents, rx))

dest_gmt_file <- file.path(getwd(), "230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", "data", gmt_file)


Geneset Files - cont'd

Load in the gmt file

library(EnrichmentBrowser) <- getGenesets(dest_gmt_file)[1:2]
[1] "MOCOS"

[1] "PYCR2"    "ALDH18A1" "PYCR1"    "PYCRL"   


Create the dataset required by EnrichmentBrowser tools

#create the expression file - A tab separated text file containing expression values. Columns = samples/subjects; rows = features/probes/genes; NO headers, row or column names.
expr <- RNASeq_expression

sumexpr_filename <- file.path(getwd(), "230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro","data","SummarizeExperiment_expression.txt") 
write.table( expr ,  file = sumexpr_filename , col.names  = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote=FALSE)

rowData <- RNASeq_gene_scores[,grep(colnames(RNASeq_gene_scores), pattern="mesen")]
rowData <- cbind(RNASeq_gene_scores$Name,rowData)
colnames(rowData)[2] <- "FC"
colnames(rowData)[6] <- "ADJ.PVAL"

sumexpr_rdat_filename <- file.path(getwd(), "230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro","data","SummarizeExperiment_rdat.txt") 
write.table( rowData[,1] ,  file = sumexpr_rdat_filename , col.names  = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote=FALSE)

#load in the data classification data
# A tab separated text file containing annotation information for the samples in either *two or three* columns. NO headers, row or column names. The number of rows/samples in this file should match the number of columns/samples of the expression matrix. The 1st column is reserved for the sample IDs; The 2nd column is reserved for a *BINARY* group assignment. Use '0' and '1' for unaffected (controls) and affected (cases) sample class
classDefinitions_RNASeq <- read.table( 
  file.path(getwd(), "230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro","data","RNASeq_classdefinitions.txt"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote="\"", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

colData <- data.frame(Sample = colnames(RNASeq_expression),
                      GROUP = classDefinitions_RNASeq$SUBTYPE, 
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(colData) <- colnames(RNASeq_expression)
colData$GROUP[which(colData$GROUP != "Mesenchymal")] <- 0
colData$GROUP[which(colData$GROUP == "Mesenchymal")] <- 1

sumexpr_cdat_filename <- file.path(getwd(), "230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro","data","SummarizeExperiment_cdat.txt") 
write.table( colData ,  file = sumexpr_cdat_filename , col.names  = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote=FALSE)

#create the Summarize Experiment object
se_OV <- EnrichmentBrowser::readSE(assay.file = sumexpr_filename , cdat.file = sumexpr_cdat_filename, rdat.file = sumexpr_rdat_filename)

EnrichmentBrowser - cont'd

Put our precomputed p-values and fold change values into the Summarized Experiment object so we can use our rankings for the analysis

#set the Summarized Experiment to our computed p-values and FC
rowData(se_OV) <- rowData

EnrichmentBrowser - cont'd

Run basic Over representation analysis (ORA) using our ranked genes and our gene set file downloaded from the Baderlab genesets.

ora.all <- sbea(method="ora", se=se_OV,, perm=0, alpha=0.05)

EnrichmentBrowser - cont'd

Take the enrichment results and create a generic enrichment map input file so we can create an Enrichment map. Description of format of the generic input file can be found here and example generic enrichment map files can be found here

#manually adjust p-values
ora.all$res.tbl <- cbind(ora.all$res.tbl, p.adjust(ora.all$res.tbl$P.VALUE, "BH"))
colnames(ora.all$res.tbl)[ncol(ora.all$res.tbl)] <- "Q.VALUE" 

#create a generic enrichment map file
em_results_mesen <- data.frame(name = ora.all$res.tbl$GENE.SET,descr = ora.all$res.tbl$GENE.SET, 
                               pvalue=ora.all$res.tbl$P.VALUE, qvalue=ora.all$res.tbl$Q.VALUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#write out the ora results
 em_results_mesen_filename <-file.path(getwd(),


Enrichment Map

Create an enrichment map with the returned ORA results.

 em_command = paste('enrichmentmap build analysisType="generic" ', "gmtFile=", dest_gmt_file,
                   'pvalue=',"0.05", 'qvalue=',"0.05",
                   'enrichmentsDataset1=',em_results_mesen_filename ,
                   sep=" ")

  #enrichment map command will return the suid of newly created network.
  em_mesen_network_suid <- commandsRun(em_command)

  renameNetwork("Mesenchymal_ORA_enrichmentmap", network=as.numeric(em_mesen_network_suid))

Enrichment Map - cont'd

Export image of resulting Enrichment map.

mesenem_png_file_name <- file.path(getwd(),"230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro", "images","mesenem.png")
  #cytoscape hangs waiting for user response if file already exists.  Remove it first

#export the network
exportImage(mesenem_png_file_name, type = "png")

Enrichment Map - cont'd

Annotate the Enrichment map to get the general themes that are found in the enrichment results. Often for very busy networks annotating the networks doesn't help to reduce the complexity but instead adds to it. To get rid of some of the pathway redundancy and density in the network create a summary of the underlying network. The summary network collapses each cluster to a summary node. Each summary node is annotated with a word tag (the top 3 words associated with the nodes of the cluster) that is computed using the Wordcloud app.

#get the column from the nodetable and node table
  nodetable_colnames <- getTableColumnNames(table="node",  network =  as.numeric(em_mesen_network_suid))

  descr_attrib <- nodetable_colnames[grep(nodetable_colnames, pattern = "_GS_DESCR")]

  #Autoannotate the network
  autoannotate_url <- paste("autoannotate annotate-clusterBoosted labelColumn=", descr_attrib," maxWords=3 ", sep="")
    current_name <-commandsGET(autoannotate_url)

  #create a summary network 
  commandsGET("autoannotate summary network='current'")

  #change the network name
  summary_network_suid <- getNetworkSuid()

  renameNetwork(title = "Mesen_ORA_summary_netowrk",
              network = as.numeric(summary_network_suid))

  #get the summary node names
  summary_nodes <- getTableColumns(table="node",columns=c("name"))

  #clear bypass style the summary network has
  clearNodePropertyBypass(node.names = summary_nodes$name, = "NODE_SIZE")

  #relayout network
              network = as.numeric(summary_network_suid))

Enrichment Map - cont'd

Export image of resulting Summarized Annotated Enrichment map.

mesenem_summary_png_file_name <- file.path(getwd(),"230_Isserlin_RCy3_intro","images","mesenem_summary_network.png")
  #cytoscape hangs waiting for user response if file already exists.  Remove it first

#export the network
exportImage(mesenem_summary_png_file_name, type = "png")


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