Advanced Visualization: Tuning Layouts
This short protocol reviews how to tune layout algorithms in Cytoscape.
Tuning Layouts
In general, most layouts can be tuned to improve the aesthetics. Recommended approach:
- Go to Layout→Settings. Select a layout of choice, for example Prefuse Force Directed and click Apply Layout. This will apply the layout with the default settings.
- Next, change a parameter, for example Default Spring Coefficient or Default Spring Length, and apply the layout again.
- Observe the results. If you get the result you want, click Done, otherwise click Edit→Undo and apply the layout again.
Example: Prefuse Force Directed Layout
The below images shows the difference in the Yeast Perturbation network from decreasing the Spring Coefficient for the Prefuse Force Directed Layout by a factor of 10.
Prefuse force-directed layout with default settings.
Prefuse force-directed layout with a decreased Spring Coefficient .