This template introduces a core set of reveal.js components, a recommended style and useful tips for creating a tutorial protocol for your Cytoscape App.
Cytosape App tutorials are listed in a dedicated section of Check out these two examples of completed tutorials:
The reveal framework includes a large set of features and components. See links below for complete documentation.
To get started, open module.html and index.html located in protocols/module/template-app. Review how module.html is pulled in from the index.html wrapper.
Use the first slide to introduce your app and the tutorial content, including links to your tool.
If you don't have a dedicated setup slide, any
To help make the content as easy as possible to grasp, we are using highlighted and bold text as follows:
Here, a bullet point list is used to introduce some features of the app, and a citation is provided.
There are three different styles for images:
The two-column slide layout is convenient for placing text. This example shows two lists of URLs.
Here's an example of an animated list. Click the down or right arrow to step through the list.