Class AbstractCyApp

Direct Known Subclasses:

@Deprecated public abstract class AbstractCyApp extends Object
(As of Cytoscape 3.7) Support for simple apps will be removed in a future version of Cytoscape, please provide an OSGi bundle app instead.
The primary app interface for Cytoscape that all apps must extend. App developers will have access to all core Cytoscape 3.X services, but are not required to know about or use Maven or OSGi. This interface does not provide access to Swing or GUI related services, for that use AbstractCySwingApp found in the package. There are limitations on which packages may be included in the app jar based on those already loaded in the classpath. To load alternative versions of the same library used by other apps or Cytoscape itself, it will be necessary to write your app using OSGi.

Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (Abstract Class): This class is abstract and meant to be extended by users. This means that we may add methods for minor version updates. Methods will only be removed for major version updates.

Module: app-api

To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:

  • Field Details

    • adapter

      protected CyAppAdapter adapter
      Reference to access Cytoscape functionality -- various managers and factories that are normally available as OSGi services.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractCyApp

      public AbstractCyApp(CyAppAdapter adapter)
      The constructor that all apps must call using "super(adapter);" where the "adapter" is a CyAppAdapter reference provided as an argument to the constructor. Cytoscape's app loader will execute the constructor and provide the proper CyAppAdapter reference.
       public class MyApp extends AbstractCyApp {
          public MyApp(CyAppAdapter adapter) {
             // app code here
      adapter - a CyAppAdapter reference provided as an argument to the constructor.