Uses of Package
Packages that use org.cytoscape.task.edit
This is the Cytoscape App API, which supports development of Cytoscape 3.X
apps in a manner similar to apps developed in Cytoscape 2.X.
Classes in org.cytoscape.task.edit used by org.cytoscape.appClassDescriptionThis interface provides a task iterator collapsing selection of nodes from a node view.This interface provides a task iterator for connecting selected nodes.This interface provides a task iterator for editing a network's title.This interface provides a task iterator expanding a group from a node view.This interface provides a task iterator for grouping nodes.This interface provides a task iterator for mapping a global to a local table.TODO: Missing documentationThis interface provides a task iterator for renaming a column.This interface provides a task iterator ungrouping a selection of nodes from a node view.This interface provides a task iterator ungrouping a group from a network view.