Interface CyLayoutAlgorithm

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CyLayoutAlgorithm
A task factory specifically for layout algorithms.

Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (SPI Interface): We expect that this interface will be implemented. Therefore to maintain backwards compatibility this interface will only be modified for major version updates.

Module: layout-api

To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:

  • Field Details


      static final Set<View<CyNode>> ALL_NODE_VIEWS
      A convenience declaration for an empty set signifying that all node views should be laid out when creating the task iterator.
  • Method Details

    • createTaskIterator

      TaskIterator createTaskIterator(CyNetworkView networkView, Object layoutContext, Set<View<CyNode>> nodesToLayOut, String layoutAttribute)
      Creates a task iterator containing the layout tasks.
      networkView - The network view that the layout algorithm should be applied to.
      layoutContext - The layout context for this layout algorithm.
      nodesToLayOut - The set of node views to layout.
      layoutAttribute - The possibly null name of the attribute to use for this layout.
      taskIterator contains layout tasks.
    • isReady

      boolean isReady(CyNetworkView networkView, Object layoutContext, Set<View<CyNode>> nodesToLayOut, String layoutAttribute)
      Returns true if the task factory is ready to produce a task iterator.
      networkView - The network view that the layout algorithm should be applied to.
      layoutContext - The layout context for this layout algorithm.
      nodesToLayOut - The set of node views to layout.
      layoutAttribute - The possibly null name of the attribute to use for this layout.
      true if the task factory is ready to produce a task iterator.
    • createLayoutContext

      Object createLayoutContext()
      Returns a new layout context object. This method can be used to create custom configurations for layouts.
      a new layout context object.
    • getDefaultLayoutContext

      Object getDefaultLayoutContext()
      Returns the default instance of the layout context. This is the default layout configuration used in most cases.
      the default instance of the layout context.
    • getSupportedNodeAttributeTypes

      Set<Class<?>> getSupportedNodeAttributeTypes()
      Returns the set of node attribute types potentially used by this layout algorithm. May (and frequently will) return an empty set.
      types of allowable attribute types.
    • getSupportedEdgeAttributeTypes

      Set<Class<?>> getSupportedEdgeAttributeTypes()
      Returns the set of node attribute types potentially used by this layout algorithm. May (and frequently will) return an empty set.
      types of allowable attribute types.
    • getSupportsSelectedOnly

      boolean getSupportsSelectedOnly()
      Returns true if this algorithm supports being applied to only the currently selected nodes.
      true if this algorithm supports being applied to only the currently selected nodes.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the computer-readable name of the layout. To get a human readable name, use toString().
      The computer-readable name of the layout.
    • toString

      String toString()
      Returns the human-readable name of the layout.
      toString in class Object
      The human-readable name of the layout.