Uses of Package
Packages that use org.cytoscape.view.layout
This is the Cytoscape App API, which supports development of Cytoscape 3.X
apps in a manner similar to apps developed in Cytoscape 2.X.
This package provides access to the available layout algorithms, as well as provides abstract layout
classes and layout information containers for the convenience of implementing other layout algorithms.
Classes in org.cytoscape.view.layout used by org.cytoscape.appClassDescriptionThis class provides access to the available layout algorithms.
Classes in org.cytoscape.view.layout used by org.cytoscape.view.layoutClassDescriptionThis is a basic implementation of a LayoutAlgorithm Task that does some bookkeeping, but primarily delegates to the doLayout() method.This is a more helpful implementation of a LayoutAlgorithm Task that extends AbstractBasicLayoutTask and does the work of partitioning the CyNetworkView so that partitions may be laid out individually.A task factory specifically for layout algorithms.The EdgeWeighter class.The LayoutEdge class.The LayoutNode class.The LayoutPartition class contains all of the information about a single graph partition, where a partition is defined as all nodes in a graph that connect only to each other.Simple immutable object which represents a point (x, y, z).An enum describing different weighting strategies.