Various supporting classes for Cytoscape the work (Task) framework.
Interface SummaryInterfaceDescriptionClasses which wish to listen for changes in AbstractBounded objects (BoundedDouble, BoundedFloat, etc.) should implement this interface and add themselves as observers (listeners) to the object.Classes which wish to listen for changes in ListSelection objects (ListSingleSelection, ListMultipleSelection) should implement this interface and add themselves as observers (listeners) to the object.
Class SummaryClassDescriptionAbstractBounded<N extends Comparable<N>>A bounded number object whose bounds values cannot be modifiedA Double object which has low and up boundsA Float object which has low and up bounds.An Integer object which has low and up bounds.A Long object which has low and up bounds.List with items of type
: one or more items can be selected.A ListSelection object.List with items of typeT
: only 1 item can be selected.