Uses of Package

Packages that use org.cytoscape.event
This is the Cytoscape App API, which supports development of Cytoscape 3.X apps in a manner similar to apps developed in Cytoscape 2.X.
This package provides application events/listeners, including Cytoscape startup/shutdown, setCurrentNetwork/setCurrentNetworkView/ setSelectedNetwork.
This package defines the various interfaces, abstract classes, and enums that represent the Cytoscape Swing Application API.
This package defines the various events fired by the Cytoscape Swing Application API.
This package contains the basic interfaces necessary for defining, firing, and listening for Cytoscape events.
This package contains the various events and listeners related to group management, creation, and destruction.
This package defines events/listeners related to data query/import from web services.
This package contains the event interfaces necessary for communicating with the classes in org.cytoscape.model.
This package provides a general property service interface for providing access to different types of property objects as OSGi services.
This package contains the interfaces and classes necessary to capturing, session change events.
Definitions for View-Model related events and their listeners.
Event implementations and listener interfaces for the Presentation layer.
Visual Mapping basic API module.
Events for Visual Mappings.
Provides events and listeners of LexiconState, visual style switch and vizMap event, as well as VizMap event handler manager.
APIs for different mapping functions -- continuous mapping, discrete mapping and pass through mapping.