Interface InputStreamTaskFactory

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public interface InputStreamTaskFactory extends CyFileFilterProvider
A super interface that allows the input stream to be set for reader task factories.

Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (SPI Interface): We expect that this interface will be implemented. Therefore to maintain backwards compatibility this interface will only be modified for major version updates.

Module: io-api

To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:

  • Method Details

    • createTaskIterator

      TaskIterator createTaskIterator(InputStream is, String inputName)
      Sets the input stream that will be read by the Reader created from this factory.
      is - The InputStream to be read.
      inputName - The name of the input.
    • isReady

      boolean isReady(InputStream is, String inputName)
      Returns true if the factory is ready to be produce a TaskIterator and false otherwise.
      is - The InputStream to be read.
      inputName - The name of the input.
      true if the factory is ready to be produce a TaskIterator and false otherwise.