Making Cytoscape Tutorials
Welcome to a tutorial on how to build your own Cytoscape Reveal tutorial
If you are interested in preparing training materials for Cytoscape Apps, you have come to the right place! This tutorial will guide you through how to prepare a tutorial for a Cytoscape App using the Reveal presentation system customized for Cytoscape-related content.
Let us know if you have an questions or suggestions.
Navigating Materials
Let's start by viewing the latest Cytoscape training material to get familiar with Reveal navigation and features.
- Protocols- browse through a few of the current protocols, practice Reveal's unique navigation system and think about which slide styles will work best for you and your content.
- Notice how the navigation goes left-to-right and top-to-bottom
- To get an overview of the entire presentation, click Esc
- To display speaker notes and a timer, click S
A helpful graphic explaining the reveal navigation is available in our README.
Navigating Materials
Let's start exploring the structure of the repo in your favorite html editor:
- Navigate to the app protocol template in protocols/template-app. Each subdirectory contains an index.html file and any image or other asset files associated with protocol. The index.html contains the code representing slides in section tags, as well as wrapper code allowing the content to be rendered by Reveal.
- Note that the index file points to the custom Cytoscape protocol css. This style is described in detail in the README.
Template Tutorials
The reveal framework includes a large set of features and components. This template reviews a core set of components that are useful for Cytoscape tutorials.
Creating a Tutorial
- If you don't have it open already, open protocols/template-app/index.html in your favorite html editor.
- Create a copy of it in a new directory under protocols/ named after your app or workflow, e.g., protocols/my-new-app/index.html.
- Open your new copy and start building your protocol replacing the template content as you go. There are two sections of the documentation that are particularly relevant here:
You're on your way!
Creating a Tutorial
- When your tutorial is ready, make a pull request to the cytoscape-tutorial repo to add your app tutorial to the growing collection shared with all Cytoscape users.
- Share your completed protocol on the Cytoscape App Dev List.
Cytoscape App Dev Resources