Constant Field Values



  • org.cytoscape.command.StringToModel 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String _CY_LIST_DESC "A list of ```COLUMN:VALUE``` pairs of the format ```COLUMN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,...``` can be used to match multiple values."
    public static final String _CY_NETWORK_DESC "pecifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix ```SUID:``` is used. The keyword ```CURRENT```, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network."
    public static final String _CY_NETWORK_VIEW_DESC "pecifies a network view by name, or by SUID if the prefix ```SUID:``` is used. The keyword ```CURRENT```, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network view."
    public static final String _CY_ROW_DESC "The pattern ```COLUMN:VALUE``` sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specified column value; if the ```COLUMN``` prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default."
    public static final String COLUMN_EXAMPLE "Property"
    public static final String COLUMN_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of a column in the table"
    public static final String CY_EDGE_LIST_EXAMPLE_STRING "selected"
    public static final String CY_EDGE_LIST_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies a list of edges. The keywords ```all```, ```selected```, or ```unselected``` can be used to specify edges by their selection state. The pattern ```COLUMN:VALUE``` sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specified column value; if the ```COLUMN``` prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default. A list of ```COLUMN:VALUE``` pairs of the format ```COLUMN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,...``` can be used to match multiple values."
    public static final String CY_NETWORK_EXAMPLE_STRING "current"
    public static final String CY_NETWORK_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix ```SUID:``` is used. The keyword ```CURRENT```, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network."
    public static final String CY_NETWORK_VIEW_EXAMPLE_STRING "current"
    public static final String CY_NETWORK_VIEW_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies a network view by name, or by SUID if the prefix ```SUID:``` is used. The keyword ```CURRENT```, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network view."
    public static final String CY_NODE_LIST_EXAMPLE_STRING "selected"
    public static final String CY_NODE_LIST_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies a list of nodes. The keywords ```all```, ```selected```, or ```unselected``` can be used to specify nodes by their selection state. The pattern ```COLUMN:VALUE``` sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specified column value; if the ```COLUMN``` prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default. A list of ```COLUMN:VALUE``` pairs of the format ```COLUMN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,...``` can be used to match multiple values."
    public static final String CY_ROW_LIST_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies a list of rows. The pattern ```COLUMN:VALUE``` sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specified column value; if the ```COLUMN``` prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default. A list of ```COLUMN:VALUE``` pairs of the format ```COLUMN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,...``` can be used to match multiple values. This parameter can also be set to ```all``` to include all rows."
    public static final String GROUP_LIST_EXAMPLE_STRING "selected"
    public static final String GROUP_LIST_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies a list of groups. The keywords ```all```, ```selected```, or ```unselected``` can be used to specify groups by their selection state. "
    public static final String GROUP_NAME_EXAMPLE_STRING "MyLocus"
    public static final String GROUP_NAME_EXAMPLE_STRING2 "ImprovedLocus"
    public static final String GROUP_NAME_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name used to identify the group. "
    public static final String KEY_TYPE_EXAMPLE "Double"
    public static final String KEY_TYPE_LONG_DESCRIPTION "The syntactical type of the value used in the key"
    public static final String ROW_EXAMPLE "Key"
    public static final String ROW_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies a row of a table using the primary key as the indentifier"
    public static final String TABLE_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies a table using the pattern ```TYPE:NETWORK``` where ```TYPE``` is one of ```node```, ```edge```, or ```network```. ```NETWORK``` specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix ```SUID:``` is used. The keyword ```CURRENT```, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network."
    public static final String TABLE_TITLE_EXAMPLE "Nodes"
    public static final String TABLE_TITLE_LONG_DESCRIPTION "The name of the table used in the current network"
    public static final String VALUE_EXAMPLE "BRCA"
    public static final String VALUE_LONG_DESCRIPTION "Specifies the primary key of a value in the row of a table"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String URL_PATTERN "^(jar\\:)?((http|https|ftp|file)+\\:\\/+\\S+)(\\!\\/\\S*)?$"
  • org.cytoscape.view.model.spacial.SpacialIndex2D<K> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int X_MAX 2
    public static final int X_MIN 0
    public static final int Y_MAX 3
    public static final int Y_MIN 1