Class CyShutdownEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class CyShutdownEvent
    extends AbstractCyEvent<Object>
    An event fired immediately before Cytoscape will be shutdown. This event provides methods for listeners processing this event to abort the shutdown. This event should only be fired synchronously to allow all listeners time to clean up.

    Module: application-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (Final Class): This class is final and therefore can't be extended by users. This means that we may add methods for minor version updates. Methods will only be removed for major version updates.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CyShutdownEvent

        public CyShutdownEvent​(Object source,
                               boolean force)
        source - The object firing this event.
        force - If true, force the shutdown (no user prompt)
      • CyShutdownEvent

        public CyShutdownEvent​(Object source)
        source - The object firing this event.
    • Method Detail

      • abortShutdown

        public void abortShutdown​(String why)
        A callback to the firing class that allows a listener to abort the shutdown. This can cause conflicts if abused.
        why - A user comprehensible message describing why the shutdown was aborted.
      • abortShutdownReason

        public String abortShutdownReason()
        Returns the reason that the application should not be shut down.
        The reason that the application should not be shut down.
      • actuallyShutdown

        public boolean actuallyShutdown()
        Returns true if no reason is provided to abort the shutdown and false if anyone processing this event wants to prevent shutdown.
        true if no reason is provided to abort the shutdown and false if anyone processing this event wants to prevent shutdown.
      • forceShutdown

        public boolean forceShutdown()
        Returns true if we want to force the shutdown without any user prompt