Class AbstractStringTunableHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractStringTunableHandler

        public AbstractStringTunableHandler​(Field f,
                                            Object o,
                                            Tunable t)
    • Method Detail

      • processArg

        public abstract Object processArg​(String arg)
                                   throws Exception
        Each specific handler really only needs to implement this method and all it does is convert the String input into a value of the appropriate type.
        Specified by:
        processArg in interface StringTunableHandler
        arg - A String representing a value that will be parsed into an object of a specific type.
        An object of a particular type based on the input string.
        Exception - If there is any problem converting the string into an object.
      • handle

        public final void handle()
        Description copied from interface: TunableHandler
        Updates an annotated object with the current value as retrieved from the the user interface generated by this handler.
        Specified by:
        handle in interface TunableHandler