Class RowList

  • public class RowList
    extends Object
    This class implements a wrapper for a List of table rows that can be used by the Tunables mechanism. Currently, it is only implemented by command tunables so it will be ignored in GUI (Swing) contexts.

    Module: command-executor-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (Final Class): This class is final and therefore can't be extended by users. This means that we may add methods for minor version updates. Methods will only be removed for major version updates.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RowList

        public RowList()
        Create a new RowList object with no initial table
      • RowList

        public RowList​(CyTable targetTable)
        Create a new RowList object with an initial table
        targetTable - the table this rowlist will be in
    • Method Detail

      • setTable

        public void setTable​(CyTable table)
        Set the table for this rowlist
        table - the table for this rowlist
      • getTable

        public CyTable getTable()
        Get the table for this rowlist
        the table we're looking through
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(List<CyRow> rowList)
        Set the list of rows
        rowList - the list of rows
      • getValue

        public List<CyRow> getValue()
        Get the list of rows
        the list of rows