Interface ValidatableTransformer<C,​E>

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ValidatableTransformer<C,​E>
    extends Transformer<C,​E>
    A marker interface that can be added to any Transformer to indicate that the transformer may be invalid in certain contexts. For example a ColumnFilter is invalid when the current network does not contain the column referenced by the filter. Validation runs whenever the context changes (for example when the current network changes) or when the TransformerListeners for this transformer are notified.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        default List<ValidationWarning> validate​(C context)
        Called whenever the context changes (for example when the current network changes) or when the TransformerListeners for this transformer are notified.
      • validateCreation

        default List<ValidationWarning> validateCreation()
        Called when a filter is created through a command.