Interface CyGroupFactory

  • public interface CyGroupFactory
    An interface describing a factory used for creating CyGroup objects. This factory will be provided as a service through Spring/OSGi.

    Module: group-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (API Interface): We expect that this interface will be used but not implemented by developers using this interface. As such, we reserve the right to add methods to the interface as part of minor version upgrades. We will not remove methods for any changes other than major version upgrades.
    • Method Detail

      • createGroup

        CyGroup createGroup​(CyNetwork network,
                            boolean register)
        Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network.
        network - the CyNetwork this group is part of
        register - if true, register the CyGroup
        A new CyGroup as part of the designated network.
      • createGroup

        CyGroup createGroup​(CyNetwork network,
                            List<CyNode> nodes,
                            List<CyEdge> edges,
                            boolean register)
        Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network initially populated with the supplied nodes.
        network - the CyNetwork this group is part of
        nodes - the CyNodes that are part of this group.
        edges - the CyEdges that are part of this group. If this is null, the edges are determined based on the node connectivity
        register - if true, register the CyGroup
        A new CyGroup as part of the designated network.
      • createGroup

        CyGroup createGroup​(CyNetwork network,
                            CyNode node,
                            List<CyNode> nodes,
                            List<CyEdge> edges,
                            boolean register)
        Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network from an existing CyNode.
        network - the CyNetwork this group is part of
        node - the CyNode to convert into a group
        nodes - the CyNodes that are part of this group.
        edges - the CyEdges that are part of this group. If this is null, the edges are determined based on the node connectivity
        register - if true, register the CyGroup
        A new CyGroup as part of the designated network.
      • createGroup

        CyGroup createGroup​(CyNetwork network,
                            CyNode node,
                            boolean register)
        Creates a CyGroup object in the referenced network from an existing CyNode. If the CyNode has a network pointer in the same root network as the referenced network, it is used as the group network.
        network - the CyNetwork this group is part of
        node - the CyNode to convert into a group
        register - if true, register the CyGroup
        A new CyGroup as part of the designated network.