Class LayoutPartition

  • public final class LayoutPartition
    extends Object
    The LayoutPartition class contains all of the information about a single graph partition, where a partition is defined as all nodes in a graph that connect only to each other. This class also provides static methods that are used to partition an existing graph.
    Scooter Morris

    Module: layout-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (Final Class): This class is final and therefore can't be extended by users. This means that we may add methods for minor version updates. Methods will only be removed for major version updates.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      LayoutPartition​(int nodeCount, int edgeCount)
      LayoutPartition: use this constructor to create an empty LayoutPartition.
      LayoutPartition​(CyNetworkView networkView, Collection<View<CyNode>> nodeSet, EdgeWeighter edgeWeighter)
      LayoutPartition: use this constructor to create a LayoutPartition that includes the entire network.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void addEdge​(CyEdge edge, CyRow row)
      Add an edge to this partition assuming that the source and target nodes are not yet known.
      protected void addEdge​(CyEdge edge, LayoutNode v1, LayoutNode v2, CyRow row)
      Add an edge to this partition assuming that the source and target nodes are known.
      protected void addNode​(CyNetwork network, View<CyNode> nv, boolean locked)
      Add a node to this partition.
      void calculateEdgeWeights()
      Calculate and set the edge weights.
      int edgeCount()
      Return the number of edges in this partition
      Iterator<LayoutEdge> edgeIterator()
      Return an iterator over all of the LayoutEdges in this partition
      void fixEdges()
      Convenience routine to update the source and target for all of the edges in a partition.
      LayoutPoint getAverageLocation()
      Return the average location of the nodes in this partition
      double getDepth()
      Return the total depth of all of the LayoutNodes
      List<LayoutEdge> getEdgeList()
      Return the list of LayoutEdges within this partition.
      double getHeight()
      Return the total height of all of the LayoutNodes
      double getMaxX()
      Return the maximum X location of all of the LayoutNodes
      double getMaxY()
      Return the maximum Y location of all of the LayoutNodes
      double getMaxZ()
      Return the maximum Z location of all of the LayoutNodes
      double getMinX()
      Return the minimum X location of all of the LayoutNodes
      double getMinY()
      Return the minimum Y location of all of the LayoutNodes
      double getMinZ()
      Return the minimum Z location of all of the LayoutNodes
      List<LayoutNode> getNodeList()
      Return the list of LayoutNodes within this partition.
      int getPartitionNumber()
      Return the partition number of this partition
      double getWidth()
      Return the total width of all of the LayoutNodes
      int lockedNodeCount()
      Return the number of locked nodes within this partition
      void moveNodeToLocation​(LayoutNode node)
      Move the node to its current X and Y values.
      void moveNodeToLocation3D​(LayoutNode node)
      Move the node to its current X, Y and Z values.
      int nodeCount()
      Return the number of nodes in this partition
      Iterator<LayoutNode> nodeIterator()
      Return an iterator over all of the LayoutNodes in this partition
      void offset​(double xoffset, double yoffset)
      Offset all of the nodes in the partition by a fixed amount.
      void offset​(double xoffset, double yoffset, double zoffset)
      Offset all of the nodes in the partition by a fixed amount.
      void randomizeLocations()
      Randomize the graph locations (ignoring Z values).
      void randomizeLocations​(boolean is3D)
      Randomize the graph locations.
      void resetNodes()
      Reset all of the data maintained for the LayoutNodes contained within this partition, including the min, max and average x and y values.
      void setEdgeWeighter​(EdgeWeighter edgeWeighter)
      Set the EdgeWeighter to use for this partition.
      void setPartitionNumber​(int part)
      Set the partition number of this partition
      int size()
      Return the size of this partition, which is defined as the number of nodes that it contains.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LayoutPartition

        public LayoutPartition​(int nodeCount,
                               int edgeCount)
        LayoutPartition: use this constructor to create an empty LayoutPartition.
        nodeCount - The number of nodes in the new partition.
        edgeCount - The number of edges in the new partition.
      • LayoutPartition

        public LayoutPartition​(CyNetworkView networkView,
                               Collection<View<CyNode>> nodeSet,
                               EdgeWeighter edgeWeighter)
        LayoutPartition: use this constructor to create a LayoutPartition that includes the entire network.
        networkView - the CyNetworkView to use
        nodeSet - the nodes to be considered
        edgeWeighter - the weighter to use for edge weighting
    • Method Detail

      • setEdgeWeighter

        public void setEdgeWeighter​(EdgeWeighter edgeWeighter)
        Set the EdgeWeighter to use for this partition. The EdgeWeighter should be shared by all partitions in the same graph to avoid contrary scaling problems.
        edgeWeighter - the weighter to use for edge weighting
      • addNode

        protected void addNode​(CyNetwork network,
                               View<CyNode> nv,
                               boolean locked)
        Add a node to this partition.
        nv - the View of the node to add
        locked - a boolean value to determine if this node is locked or not
      • addEdge

        protected void addEdge​(CyEdge edge,
                               CyRow row)
        Add an edge to this partition assuming that the source and target nodes are not yet known.
        edge - the Edge to add to the partition
      • addEdge

        protected void addEdge​(CyEdge edge,
                               LayoutNode v1,
                               LayoutNode v2,
                               CyRow row)
        Add an edge to this partition assuming that the source and target nodes are known.
        edge - the Edge to add to the partition
        v1 - the LayoutNode of the edge source
        v2 - the LayoutNode of the edge target
      • randomizeLocations

        public void randomizeLocations​(boolean is3D)
        Randomize the graph locations.
        is3D - ignores Z values if false
      • randomizeLocations

        public void randomizeLocations()
        Randomize the graph locations (ignoring Z values).
      • moveNodeToLocation

        public void moveNodeToLocation​(LayoutNode node)
        Move the node to its current X and Y values. This is a wrapper to LayoutNode's moveToLocation, but has the property of updating the current min and max values for this partition. Note, updates the Z min and max to 0.
        node - the LayoutNode to move
      • moveNodeToLocation3D

        public void moveNodeToLocation3D​(LayoutNode node)
        Move the node to its current X, Y and Z values. This is a wrapper to LayoutNode's moveToLocation3D, but has the property of updating the current min and max values for this partition.
        node - the LayoutNode to move
      • fixEdges

        public void fixEdges()
        Convenience routine to update the source and target for all of the edges in a partition. This is useful when the algorithm used makes it difficult to record source and target until it has completed.
      • calculateEdgeWeights

        public void calculateEdgeWeights()
        Calculate and set the edge weights. Note that this will delete edges from the calculation (not the graph) when certain conditions are met.
      • size

        public int size()
        Return the size of this partition, which is defined as the number of nodes that it contains.
        partition size
      • getNodeList

        public List<LayoutNode> getNodeList()
        Return the list of LayoutNodes within this partition.
        List of LayoutNodes
        See Also:
      • getEdgeList

        public List<LayoutEdge> getEdgeList()
        Return the list of LayoutEdges within this partition.
        List of LayoutEdges
        See Also:
      • nodeIterator

        public Iterator<LayoutNode> nodeIterator()
        Return an iterator over all of the LayoutNodes in this partition
        Iterator over the list of LayoutNodes
        See Also:
      • edgeIterator

        public Iterator<LayoutEdge> edgeIterator()
        Return an iterator over all of the LayoutEdges in this partition
        Iterator over the list of LayoutEdges
        See Also:
      • nodeCount

        public int nodeCount()
        Return the number of nodes in this partition
        number of nodes in the partition
      • edgeCount

        public int edgeCount()
        Return the number of edges in this partition
        number of edges in the partition
      • getMaxX

        public double getMaxX()
        Return the maximum X location of all of the LayoutNodes
        maximum X location
      • getMaxY

        public double getMaxY()
        Return the maximum Y location of all of the LayoutNodes
        maximum Y location
      • getMaxZ

        public double getMaxZ()
        Return the maximum Z location of all of the LayoutNodes
        maximum Z location
      • getMinX

        public double getMinX()
        Return the minimum X location of all of the LayoutNodes
        minimum X location
      • getMinY

        public double getMinY()
        Return the minimum Y location of all of the LayoutNodes
        minimum Y location
      • getMinZ

        public double getMinZ()
        Return the minimum Z location of all of the LayoutNodes
        minimum Z location
      • getWidth

        public double getWidth()
        Return the total width of all of the LayoutNodes
        total width of all of the LayoutNodes
      • getHeight

        public double getHeight()
        Return the total height of all of the LayoutNodes
        total height of all of the LayoutNodes
      • getDepth

        public double getDepth()
        Return the total depth of all of the LayoutNodes
        total depth of all of the LayoutNodes
      • getPartitionNumber

        public int getPartitionNumber()
        Return the partition number of this partition
        partition number
      • setPartitionNumber

        public void setPartitionNumber​(int part)
        Set the partition number of this partition
        part - partition number
      • lockedNodeCount

        public int lockedNodeCount()
        Return the number of locked nodes within this partition
        number of locked nodes in partition
      • getAverageLocation

        public LayoutPoint getAverageLocation()
        Return the average location of the nodes in this partition
        average location of the nodes as a Dimension
      • offset

        public void offset​(double xoffset,
                           double yoffset)
        Offset all of the nodes in the partition by a fixed amount. This is used by algorithms of offset each partition after laying it out.
        xoffset - the amount to offset in the X direction
        yoffset - the amount to offset in the Y direction
      • offset

        public void offset​(double xoffset,
                           double yoffset,
                           double zoffset)
        Offset all of the nodes in the partition by a fixed amount. This is used by algorithms of offset each partition after laying it out.
        xoffset - the amount to offset in the X direction
        yoffset - the amount to offset in the Y direction
      • resetNodes

        public void resetNodes()
        Reset all of the data maintained for the LayoutNodes contained within this partition, including the min, max and average x and y values.