Interface RenderingEngineFactory<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - Compatible data model for this factory. For example, if this parameter is set to CyNetwork, the factory creates rendering engine for CyNetwork objects.

    public interface RenderingEngineFactory<T>
    A factory class to create visualization for a given view model. One visualization (presentation) have one rendering engine

    Module: presentation-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (API Interface): We expect that this interface will be used but not implemented by developers using this interface. As such, we reserve the right to add methods to the interface as part of minor version upgrades. We will not remove methods for any changes other than major version upgrades.
    • Method Detail

      • createRenderingEngine

        RenderingEngine<T> createRenderingEngine​(Object visualizationContainer,
                                                 View<T> viewModel)
        A view model can have multiple presentations. This enable developers to render multiple View Models in the same display. For example, if View and View are passed to this, both of them will be rendered in a window, using same rendering engine.
        visualizationContainer - Window component which contains the rendered view. In most cases, Window components in Swing will be used.
        viewModel - view-model to be rendered by the RenderingEngine.
        Rendering Engine for visualization on the visualizationContainer.
      • getVisualLexicon

        VisualLexicon getVisualLexicon()
        Returns supported VisualLexicon supported by this rendering engine implementation.
        lexicon for this implementation.