Interface ArrowAnnotation

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ArrowAnnotation
    extends Annotation
    This is the interface for an arrow annotation. In general, an arrow connects to a source (an existing annotation) and is drawn to a target, which is either another annotation, a CyNode or a point on the canvas. The end of the arrow will move with its source annotation or its target (unless it's target is a point).

    Module: presentation-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (API Interface): We expect that this interface will be used but not implemented by developers using this interface. As such, we reserve the right to add methods to the interface as part of minor version upgrades. We will not remove methods for any changes other than major version upgrades.
    • Method Detail

      • getTarget

        Object getTarget()
        Return the target object for this arrow. Currently supported targets include Annotations, CyNodes, and arbitrary points on the canvas.
        the the target. Callers should test to determine the appropriate type
      • setTarget

        void setTarget​(Annotation target)
        Set the target for this arrow assuming the target is an Annotation
        target - the target for this arrow
      • setTarget

        void setTarget​(CyNode target)
        Set the target for this arrow assuming the target is a CyNode
        target - the target for this arrow
      • setTarget

        void setTarget​(Point2D target)
        Set the target for this arrow assuming the target is a point on the canvas
        target - the target for this arrow
      • getLineWidth

        double getLineWidth()
        Get the line width for this arrow
        line width as a double
      • setLineWidth

        void setLineWidth​(double width)
        Set the line width for this arrow
        width - of the line as a double
      • getLineColor

        Paint getLineColor()
        Set the line color for this arrow
        color of the line
      • setLineColor

        void setLineColor​(Paint color)
        Set the line color for this arrow
        color - of the line
      • getArrowSize

        double getArrowSize​(ArrowAnnotation.ArrowEnd end)
        Get the size of one end of the arrow
        end - the end of the arrow we're getting the size for
        the arrow size
      • setArrowSize

        void setArrowSize​(ArrowAnnotation.ArrowEnd end,
                          double width)
        Set the size of one end of the arrow
        end - the end of the arrow we're setting the size for
        width - the arrow size
      • getArrowColor

        Paint getArrowColor​(ArrowAnnotation.ArrowEnd end)
        Get the color of one end of the arrow
        end - the end of the arrow we're getting the color for
        the arrow color
      • setArrowColor

        void setArrowColor​(ArrowAnnotation.ArrowEnd end,
                           Paint color)
        Set the color of one end of the arrow
        end - the end of the arrow we're setting the color for
        color - the arrow color
      • getSupportedArrows

        List<String> getSupportedArrows()
        Get the list of supported arrow shapes
        the list of supported arrow types
      • getArrowType

        String getArrowType​(ArrowAnnotation.ArrowEnd end)
        Get the type of one end of the arrow
        end - the end of the arrow we're getting the size for
        the arrow type as a string.
      • setArrowType

        void setArrowType​(ArrowAnnotation.ArrowEnd end,
                          String type)
        Set the type of one end of the arrow
        end - the end of the arrow we're setting the type for
        width - the arrow size
      • setAnchorType

        void setAnchorType​(ArrowAnnotation.ArrowEnd end,
                           ArrowAnnotation.AnchorType type)
        Set the anchor type for one end of the arrow
        end - the end of the arrow we're setting the anchor type for
        type - the anchor type for this end of the arrow