Class BooleanVisualProperty

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class BooleanVisualProperty
    extends AbstractVisualProperty<Boolean>
    Visual Property for Boolean values.

    Module: presentation-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (Final Class): This class is final and therefore can't be extended by users. This means that we may add methods for minor version updates. Methods will only be removed for major version updates.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BooleanVisualProperty

        public BooleanVisualProperty​(Boolean def,
                                     String id,
                                     String displayName,
                                     Class<? extends CyIdentifiable> modelDataType)
        def - The boolean value.
        id - A machine readable string identifying this visual property used for XML serialization.
        displayName - A human readable string used for displays and user interfaces.
        modelDataType - The model data type associated with this visual property, e.g. CyNode, CyEdge, or CyNetwork.
      • BooleanVisualProperty

        public BooleanVisualProperty​(Boolean def,
                                     String id,
                                     String displayName,
                                     Boolean ignoreDefault,
                                     Class<? extends CyIdentifiable> modelDataType)
        def - The boolean value.
        id - A machine readable string identifying this visual property used for XML serialization.
        displayName - A human readable string used for displays and user interfaces.
        ignoreDefault - Whether the default value should be ignored.
        modelDataType - The model data type associated with this visual property, e.g. CyNode, CyEdge, or CyNetwork.
    • Method Detail

      • toSerializableString

        public String toSerializableString​(Boolean value)
        Description copied from interface: VisualProperty
        Returns a string of the specified value suitable for serializing to XML other text output.
        value - the specified value.
        a string of the specified value suitable for serializing to XML other text output.
      • parseSerializableString

        public Boolean parseSerializableString​(String text)
        Description copied from interface: VisualProperty
        Returns an object of type T given a string serialized from the getSerializableString(T value) method.
        text - a string serialized from the getSerializableString(T value) method.
        an object of type T given a string serialized from the getSerializableString(T value) method.