Class AbstractTaskManager<T,​C>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class AbstractTaskManager<T,​C>
    extends Object
    implements TaskManager<T,​C>
    Provides access to a TunableInterceptor to all derived classes and a utility method to determine if an object has been annotated with Tunables.

    Module: work-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (Abstract Class): This class is abstract and meant to be extended by users. This means that we may add methods for minor version updates. Methods will only be removed for major version updates.
    • Field Detail

      • tunableMutator

        protected final TunableMutator tunableMutator
        The single tunable mutator that will be used by this task manager.
      • tunableRecorders

        protected final List<TunableRecorder> tunableRecorders
        The list of tunable recorders that will be used by this task manager. Tunable recorders can be added and removed from the list with the add/remove methods below.
      • executionContext

        protected C executionContext
        The execution context of the task manager. This can be set with the setExecutionContext method, assuming that the setExecutionContext method hasn't been overridden to do something different.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractTaskManager

        public AbstractTaskManager​(TunableMutator tunableMutator)
        Initializes an AbstractTaskManager object by setting its TunableInterceptor.
        tunableMutator - The TunableMutator to be used by this TaskManager.
    • Method Detail

      • addTunableRecorder

        public final void addTunableRecorder​(TunableRecorder tunableRecorder,
                                             Map props)
        Adds the specified TunableRecorder service to the task manager.
        tunableRecorder - The TunableRecorder service to be added to this task manager.
        props - The service properties associated with the tunableRecorder service.
      • removeTunableRecorder

        public final void removeTunableRecorder​(TunableRecorder tunableRecorder,
                                                Map props)
        Removes the specified TunableRecorder service from the task manager.
        tunableRecorder - The TunableRecorder service to be removed from this task manager.
        props - The service properties associated with the tunableRecorder service.
      • setExecutionContext

        public void setExecutionContext​(C context)
        Simple sets the executionContext to the specified input value. This may be overridden.
        Specified by:
        setExecutionContext in interface TaskManager<T,​C>
        context - The execution context to be set.