Packages Package Description org.cytoscape.app (As of Cytoscape 3.7) Support for simple apps will be removed in a future version of Cytoscape, please provide an OSGi bundle app instead.org.cytoscape.app.swing (As of Cytoscape 3.7) Support for simple apps will be removed in a future version of Cytoscape, please provide an OSGi bundle app instead.
Interfaces Interface Description org.cytoscape.app.CyAppAdapter (As of Cytoscape 3.7) Support for simple apps will be removed in a future version of Cytoscape, please provide an OSGi bundle app instead.org.cytoscape.app.swing.CySwingAppAdapter (As of Cytoscape 3.7) Support for simple apps will be removed in a future version of Cytoscape, please provide an OSGi bundle app instead.org.cytoscape.application.swing.CyHelpBroker JavaHelp no longer used in Cytoscape as of 3.4. This interface provides access to the Cytoscape Help Broker and Help Set for managing the JavaHelp system.org.cytoscape.session.events.SessionLoadCancelledListener UseSessionLoadedListener
instead.org.cytoscape.view.vizmap.gui.DefaultViewEditor org.cytoscape.view.vizmap.gui.DefaultViewPanel org.cytoscape.view.vizmap.gui.VizMapGUI org.cytoscape.work.swing.TaskStatusPanelFactory
Classes Class Description org.cytoscape.app.AbstractCyApp (As of Cytoscape 3.7) Support for simple apps will be removed in a future version of Cytoscape, please provide an OSGi bundle app instead.org.cytoscape.app.swing.AbstractCySwingApp (As of Cytoscape 3.7) Support for simple apps will be removed in a future version of Cytoscape, please provide an OSGi bundle app instead.org.cytoscape.session.events.SessionLoadCancelledEvent Just listen toSessionLoadedEvent
instead now.
Fields Field Description org.cytoscape.application.CyVersion.VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME org.cytoscape.util.swing.FileUtil.LAST_DIRECTORY org.cytoscape.view.presentation.annotations.Annotation.ZOOM The zoom should remain at the default of 1.0.