Package org.cytoscape.application.swing

package org.cytoscape.application.swing
This package defines the various interfaces, abstract classes, and enums that represent the Cytoscape Swing Application API.
  • Interface Summary
    An interface that describes how an action should be placed within the menus and/or toolbars of the Swing application.
    Service that allows UI presentation to be given for a column namespace.
    This class provides access to registered CyColumnPresentation service objects.
    A factory interface used to produce a CyMenuItem (JMenuItem) that will be added to the context menu for the specified edge view.
    JavaHelp no longer used in Cytoscape as of 3.4.
    A factory interface used to produce a CyMenuItem (JMenuItem) that will be added to the context menu for the specified network view.
    Interface for managing CyNetworkViews within the desktop where they reside.
    A factory interface used to produce a CyMenuItem (JMenuItem) that will be added to the context menu for the specified node view.
    This interface provides basic access to the Swing objects that constitute this application.
    Interface to a CytoPanel.
    An interface that allows a component to be registered as a service that will then be added to the appropriate CytoPanel.
    Implement this interface rather than CytoPanelComponent, if you want to allow your component to be retrieved from the CytoPanel by its identifier.
    An interface that allows a component to be registered as a service that will then be added to a Table Panel's toolbar.
    An interface that allows a component to be registered as a service that will then be added to the ToolBar.
  • Class Summary
    An abstract implementation of the CyAction interface.
    An abstract, convenience implementation of ToolBarComponent.
    A utility class that provides an implementation of RowsSetListener for a particular column and VisualProperty.
    A class that allows the enabled state of an Action of JMenuItem to managed in a consistent way.
    An implementation of JComboBox that displays a list of CyColumns with their namespace icons.
    An Swing control that allows the user to select a set of CyColumn objects.
    A simple wrapper class that allows a JMenuItem to be associated with a gravity value which defines where in a menu the item should fall.
  • Enum Class Summary
    Enum Class
    An enum that describes CytoPanels uses compass directions to describe their location within the application.
    The different display states available for a CytoPanel.