Uses of Class

Packages that use TaskIterator
Interface to support execution of tasks as commands, including the ability to get a list of namespaces, commands, and arguments, and then execute those commands with a set of arguments.
Handle importing Cytoscape data (network, attributes, session, properties, etc) from files/URLs.
Interfaces for SOAP/REST web service clients, web services that return results as networks or tables, or query results.
This package provides base classes for common task factory types as well as their associated task types found in Cytoscape.
This package provides a variety of task factory interfaces for creating new instances of network and other objects.
This package include a set of task factory interfaces that allow the modification or editing of various objects within Cytoscape.
This package includes a set of task factory interfaces showing and hiding nodes and edges within network views.
This package contains a set of task factory interfaces for reading various Cytoscape objects from files and URLs.
This package includes a set of task factory interfaces for selecting, de-selecting and inverting selections of nodes, edges, or combinations of both based on specific criteria.
This package contains a set of task factory interfaces used for exporting or writing a variety of Cytoscape objects to files.
This package provides access to the available layout algorithms, as well as provides abstract layout classes and layout information containers for the convenience of implementing other layout algorithms.
This package defines the task framework, where tasks are units of work.