Uses of Interface

Packages that use View
This package defines the various interfaces, abstract classes, and enums that represent the Cytoscape Swing Application API.
This package provides factory interfaces to be used by anyone wishing to provide export or writing capabilities to the rest of Cytoscape.
This package provides base classes for common task factory types as well as their associated task types found in Cytoscape.
This package provides access to the available layout algorithms, as well as provides abstract layout classes and layout information containers for the convenience of implementing other layout algorithms.
Module for View Models and Visual Properties.
Definitions for View-Model related events and their listeners.
API set for rendering engines (visualizers).
This package provides support for graphical annotations associated with a Cytoscape CyNetworkView.
This package provides an API for augmenting a RenderingEngines node rendering with custom graphics.
Interfaces for VisualPropertyValues -- ArrowShape, LineType and NodeShape
Visual Mapping basic API module.
APIs for different mapping functions -- continuous mapping, discrete mapping and pass through mapping.