Interface CyColumnPresentationManager

  • public interface CyColumnPresentationManager
    This class provides access to registered CyColumnPresentation service objects.
    See Also:

    Module: swing-application-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (API Interface): We expect that this interface will be used but not implemented by developers using this interface. As such, we reserve the right to add methods to the interface as part of minor version upgrades. We will not remove methods for any changes other than major version upgrades.
    • Method Detail

      • getColumnPresentation

        CyColumnPresentation getColumnPresentation​(String namespace)
        Returns a CyColumnPresentation for the given namespace. If null is given then the default presentation used for Cytoscape columns is returned. If a CyColumnPresentation has not been registered for the given namespace then a dummy CyColumnPresentation is returned. Does not return null.
      • setLabel

        default void setLabel​(String columnName,
                              JLabel label)
        Sets the text and icon of the given JLabel so that it represents the given column in an esthetically pleasing way.
        NullPointerException - if column or label are null
      • setLabel

        default void setLabel​(String columnName,
                              Consumer<Icon> setIcon,
                              Consumer<String> setText)
        Calls the given Consumer callbacks with an icon and text string that represents the given column in an esthetically pleasing way.
        NullPointerException - if column is null