Interface CyEdgeViewContextMenuFactory

  • public interface CyEdgeViewContextMenuFactory
    A factory interface used to produce a CyMenuItem (JMenuItem) that will be added to the context menu for the specified edge view.

    Module: swing-application-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (SPI Interface): We expect that this interface will be implemented. Therefore to maintain backwards compatibility this interface will only be modified for major version updates.
    • Method Detail

      • createMenuItem

        CyMenuItem createMenuItem​(CyNetworkView netView,
                                  View<CyEdge> edgeView)
        This method should return a CyMenuItem to be added to the context menu of the specified edge view.
        netView - The CyNetworkView containing the edge view in question.
        edgeView - The View<CyEdge> whose menu will be updated with the returned CyMenuItem.
        The CyMenuItem to be added to the edge view's context menu.