Interface CySwingApplication

  • public interface CySwingApplication
    This interface provides basic access to the Swing objects that constitute this application.

    Module: swing-application-api

    To use this in your app, include the following dependency in your POM:


    Cytoscape Backwards Compatibility (API Interface): We expect that this interface will be used but not implemented by developers using this interface. As such, we reserve the right to add methods to the interface as part of minor version upgrades. We will not remove methods for any changes other than major version upgrades.
    • Method Detail

      • getJMenu

        JMenu getJMenu​(String menuName)
        Returns the JMenu for the specified name and null if no menu exists for the name.
        menuName - the name of the JMenu.
        The JMenu for the specified name and null if no menu exists for the name.
      • getJMenuBar

        JMenuBar getJMenuBar()
        Returns the JMenuBar object for the application.
        The JMenuBar object for the application.
      • getJToolBar

        JToolBar getJToolBar()
        Returns the JToolBar object for the application.
        The JToolBar object for the application.
      • addAction

        void addAction​(CyAction action)
        Add a CyAction to application.
        action - The CyAction to be added to the application.
      • removeAction

        void removeAction​(CyAction action)
        Remove the specified CyAction from the application.
        action - The CyAction to be removed from the application.
      • getCytoPanel

        CytoPanel getCytoPanel​(CytoPanelName compassDirection)
        Returns the appropriate CytoPanel for the specified compass direction.
        compassDirection - one of the enum values of CytoPanelName
        the CytoPanel corresponding to "compassDirection"
      • getJFrame

        JFrame getJFrame()
        Returns the JFrame that contains the application.
        the JFrame that contains the application.
      • getStatusToolBar

        JToolBar getStatusToolBar()
        Returns the status JToolBar of the application.
        the status JToolBar of the application.