Package org.cytoscape.util.swing
This package contains misc helper classes for Cytoscape Desktop application.
Interface Summary Interface Description BasicCollapsiblePanel.CollapseListener CyColorPaletteChooser This defines a color chooser that allows users to choose colors from a palette and (optionally) change palettes.CyColorPaletteChooserFactory This defines a color chooser that allows users to choose colors from a palette and (optionally) change palettes.FileUtil Provides a platform-dependent way to open files.GravityTracker This interface sepecifies a tracker that will be used to insert items (submenus, menu items and separators) into a menu based on their "gravity" or "weight".IconManager Interface that provides constants for simple icons that can be used by Cytoscape and third party apps in order to create a more consistent GUI.OpenBrowser A utility provided as an OSGi service for opening a web browser.TreeTableModel TreeTableModel is the model used by a JTreeTable. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractCellEditor An abstract, convenience implementation of a Cell Editor that really only adds event listener support.AbstractTreeTableModel An abstract implementation of the TreeTableModel interface, handling the list of listeners.BasicCollapsiblePanel A user-triggered collapsible panel containing the component (trigger) in the titled borderCheckBoxJList This class is based on CheckBoxJList: from SWING HACKS ISBN: 0-596-00907-0 By Joshua Marinacci, Chris AdamsonColorButton JButton that opens a Color Chooser when clicked and shows the previously set color as an icon.ColumnResizer Automatically resize column based on the objects in the cell.CyColorChooser This is an annoying re-implementation of JColorChooser.showDialog() that remembers recently used colors between invocations of the chooser dialog.CyToolTip DropDownMenuButton Button with drop down menu.FileChooserFilter Used to hold extension(s) of acceptable file types and a short description of them.JMenuTracker A class that creates and manages hierarchies of JMenu objects.JStatusBar Simple status bar with 3 fields.JTreeTable This example shows how to create a simple JTreeTable component, by using a JTree as a renderer (and editor) for the cells in a particular column in the JTable.LookAndFeelUtil Class that provides useful methods to help create standard and consistent UI on the current Look and Feel and OS.MenuGravityTracker This class inserts menu items and separators in a menu based on their "gravity".MessageDialogs There have been some issues with JOptionPane not working correctly when triggered from a command or automation script.PopupMenuGravityTracker This class inserts menu items and separators in a menu based on their "gravity".TextIcon Renders any text/font as an icon.TreeTableModelAdapter This is a wrapper class takes a TreeTableModel and implements the table model interface.